Past, present & plans: 9-3-16

Past, present & plans: 9-3-16




I have this memory of my sister tumbling down the basement stairs. I was standing at the top of the thirteen steps, watching Debbie fall and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I was supposed to be watching her, because she was only one. That made me the responsible one at seven years old. I wasn’t sure of the memory, so I asked Debbie her opinion. She told me, “Mom said Aunt Bernice caught me before I fell.” Watching her fall never actually happened, I guess a terrible vision got burned into mind of what could have happened, because of my irresponsibility. I guess some our strongest memories never happened. Our mind is a powerful vehicle.




I wanted to try a new writing spot at the Marina and I’m at it now. Love the new spot, it’s under a tent right on the river with a great view. As a matter of fact I just watched a duck dive and come up with a small perch hanging out of its choppers. I have my phone tuned to a great Blues station to help me relax. Good music, good breeze and I hope good writing. I have several spots here at the Marina, other than this one.


My houseboat is the easiest and my favorite, because I can send everything through the window: computer, water and food. When I get up there, then I can set up shop by: opening the patio umbrella, pull out my convenient container full of all the stuff that I may or may not need. Plug in the radio and write.


Another is on the east side of the boatel at a picnic table, but that’s in the sun with no protection from the rays or glare.




My plans today are simple, a good friend of mine smokes the best ribs in La Plata, probably Charles County or the state. Earlier in the week he took some orders for the Labor Day weekend and I have a slab of his great ribs coming in few hours for twenty dollars. Guess what I’ll be doing when they get here. Oh and he is delivering them to my boat


3 thoughts on “Past, present & plans: 9-3-16

  1. Basement stairs are dangerous. I fell down our basement steps when I was 2 or 3. I remember hitting my head.
    You painted a yummy rib picture. I’m jealous.

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